Fingerprinting Image

SWAEC offers fingerprinting services for existing and pre-service educators and personnel in partnership with the Arkansas Department of Education.

FILL OUT These Required Forms BEFORE you arrive:


Schedule your fingerprinting appointment:

  1.   Schedule your appointment HERE


Appointment Day:

  1. Do not bring anyone with you to your appointment.  You will be allowed inside for the appointment, but no one else will be allowed to come in with you.
  2. Once you arrive at the co-op, park in the front parking lot closest to the college.
  3. When entering the lobby you will see the glassed office. Someone in that office will assist you.
  4. Wash your hands before being fingerprinted.
  5. All of your paperwork must be completed before coming to SWAEC. If you come to your appointment without your completed paperwork, your appointment will be canceled.


Renewing a license?

Click here to submit the application.